Excellent battle! Far fewer Toscans (although the plot could do with explaining that the Vepaal just copy other's fighters in a slightly clearer way). Fun, engaging and ticky... well worth a fly! That TRI is a scream to fly =)
Good but not excellent... as has been said, it's a bummer when capships don't attack each other. It leaves them sitting around for the player to wipe out, of course, though =)
Excellent plot, excellent missions, excellent battle. Truly great. Some of the missions are long, especially if you're hunting for high scores- but they're all mucho mucho fun.
Bug-free, interesting plot. Oh, and a quality briefing... "We cannot continue to operate with the pirates in our ass". Thanks Reese, that made me grin all evening >:-)
This battle's a beaut. Humourous, bug-free and enjoyable. I had a spot of bother installing the craft, but hey I'm an eejit. One of the best custom battles I've flown.
Fun, simple, and enjoyable... at least, the flying is. What's annoying are the post-mission reviews of each craft, which while attempting to sound knowledgeable miss the point of each craft (eg, the TIE e/4 is a suicide ship... it makes a HUGE bang when it blows up). In short, it's a neat idea but these are drone fighters- they're not designed to carry a pilot, hence disappointing results!
Non-buggy, which is a bonus... but the difficulty ranged between stupidly easy on easy, and stupidly tough (for a moderate pilot) on med/hard. Waves of warhead weilding maniacs can become a little repetative. Oh, and in mission 4- what in Vader's good name are Preybirds, SupaFighters and Cloakshapes doing on *all* the Imperial craft? Nice to see craft diversity but even so...
Fairly easy missions, harder if you can be bothered to wipe out the craft still remaining after the mission goals are complete on missions 1-4. Good fun, and that's saying something from a guy who hates flying X-Wings >:-)
An improvement even on HTApt.I. Excellent plot, even if the loss of the Avenger is a tad over the top. Last battle doesn't really *feel* like it's a momentous event- it's rather seperated and follows the floods-of-Toscans series but hey, it's still a damn good battle.
More or less what everyone else said... an excellent plotline (more than comparable with a LucasArts invention) but somewhat cyclic thanks to the swarms of Toscans. Also, a custom Veepal ship would've been nice.
A pretty poor battle, I feel. In all missions, bugs are rife. The plotline has no natural progression explaining what's going on, and the battles have a very "close quarters" feel to them- no space to breath or plan the battle.
Hmmm. Interesting plotline, though I'd've preferred a 6-mission battle instead of a trunkated one. Not a fan of so many scripting events either- it took four or five attempts of each mission to get them to load properly.