Reviewer Rating Profile

Vice Admiral Astix (#6355)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3.1
Number of Battle Reviews: 15
Reviewed: 2005-03-08
Reviewed: 2005-03-08
Excellent battle! Far fewer Toscans (although the plot could do with explaining that the Vepaal just copy other's fighters in a slightly clearer way). Fun, engaging and ticky... well worth a fly! That TRI is a scream to fly =)
Reviewed: 2005-03-07
Reviewed: 2005-03-07
Good but not excellent... as has been said, it's a bummer when capships don't attack each other. It leaves them sitting around for the player to wipe out, of course, though =)
Reviewed: 2005-03-07
Excellent plot, excellent missions, excellent battle. Truly great. Some of the missions are long, especially if you're hunting for high scores- but they're all mucho mucho fun.
Reviewed: 2005-03-06
Bug-free, interesting plot. Oh, and a quality briefing... "We cannot continue to operate with the pirates in our ass". Thanks Reese, that made me grin all evening >:-)
Reviewed: 2005-03-06
Reviewed: 2005-03-06
Incredibly similar plotline to one I wrote in 2002 and attemped (but failed) to get Seinar to help create...
Reviewed: 2005-03-06
Reviewed: 2005-03-06
Short battle, but... interesting. Very tricky.
Reviewed: 2005-03-04
Reviewed: 2005-03-04
This battle's a beaut. Humourous, bug-free and enjoyable. I had a spot of bother installing the craft, but hey I'm an eejit. One of the best custom battles I've flown.
Reviewed: 2005-03-03
Fun, simple, and enjoyable... at least, the flying is. What's annoying are the post-mission reviews of each craft, which while attempting to sound knowledgeable miss the point of each craft (eg, the TIE e/4 is a suicide ship... it makes a HUGE bang when it blows up). In short, it's a neat idea but these are drone fighters- they're not designed to carry a pilot, hence disappointing results!
Reviewed: 2005-03-03
Reviewed: 2005-03-03
Non-buggy, which is a bonus... but the difficulty ranged between stupidly easy on easy, and stupidly tough (for a moderate pilot) on med/hard. Waves of warhead weilding maniacs can become a little repetative. Oh, and in mission 4- what in Vader's good name are Preybirds, SupaFighters and Cloakshapes doing on *all* the Imperial craft? Nice to see craft diversity but even so...
Reviewed: 2005-03-03
Reviewed: 2005-03-03
Fairly easy missions, harder if you can be bothered to wipe out the craft still remaining after the mission goals are complete on missions 1-4. Good fun, and that's saying something from a guy who hates flying X-Wings >:-)
Reviewed: 2005-03-02
Reviewed: 2005-03-02
Not bad, not brilliant. Some sloppy timings (DREAD Retribution etc). Bit easy at times, too.
Reviewed: 2005-03-02
Reviewed: 2005-03-02
An improvement even on HTApt.I. Excellent plot, even if the loss of the Avenger is a tad over the top. Last battle doesn't really *feel* like it's a momentous event- it's rather seperated and follows the floods-of-Toscans series but hey, it's still a damn good battle.
Reviewed: 2005-03-02
Reviewed: 2005-03-02
More or less what everyone else said... an excellent plotline (more than comparable with a LucasArts invention) but somewhat cyclic thanks to the swarms of Toscans. Also, a custom Veepal ship would've been nice.
Reviewed: 2005-03-01
Reviewed: 2005-03-01
A pretty poor battle, I feel. In all missions, bugs are rife. The plotline has no natural progression explaining what's going on, and the battles have a very "close quarters" feel to them- no space to breath or plan the battle.
Reviewed: 2005-03-01
Reviewed: 2005-03-01
Hmmm. Interesting plotline, though I'd've preferred a 6-mission battle instead of a trunkated one. Not a fan of so many scripting events either- it took four or five attempts of each mission to get them to load properly.

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