Reviewed: 2024-05-07
This should not have such a high rating. A combination of mission mechanics and an inconsistent skill requirements make for a wonky experience.
- Mission 1 must be done in a specific order or mission critical craft travel too close to enemy ships and are destroyed, failing the mission.
- Mission 2 has no 'easy' setting, meaning on the easiest mode(shy of unlimited waves) a lower skilled pilot will get wasted quickly. There is also no time limit for disabling the shuttle. The stated goals show the shuttle I'm [supposedly]expected to disable is suppose to complete its mission, making it not intuitive that I should be disabling the ship. Having the capture craft slowly crawling across 22km of space(due to a late disable) is also very unfortunate.
- Mission 6 has 0 time limit to capturing the transport. The patrolling craft also just fly around until you attack the transport. No joke, I completed this 1 mission in 4hrs 20min. I guess I'm happy that it is so forgiving, but it shouldn't be THAT forgiving.
- Mission 8? You're in a defender and there's no craft to kill. Sure there's plenty of things to shoot at, but the AI has that completely covered. Every enemy dies within seconds.
- Mission 9 has you flying a Phantom? That would be 'ok' if the cockpit looked right, but it doesn't. You're staring at cross members of the front window the whole time(no, it's not suppose to be like that even with 2 pilots... and outward display is reversed, as the main pilot sits on the right, not the left) It's also not clear what dictates how you stay "undetected" in stealth mode or how you lose 500 points for breaking "stealth," a mechanic that I don't think is actually in the game?
I'm grateful for the battle to fly... but this really needs some work.