Reviewed: 2005-07-06
I flew this again, this time for score and I realized something... THIS BATTLE SUCKS In mission one, why is Kappa stuck out there by itself while the rest of Wing II just enters hangar and sits while Kappa gets raped? Doesn't make sense, Wing II should team up to destroy the Rebels. Mission 2: my god, i didn't know we let DAEDALUS CADETS FLY OUR wingmen all died without killing a single it turns into a very gay you vs the world mission Mission 3: not terrible...but why on earth do the raiders have Missile Boats and the EH doesn't...lame mission 4 was stupid because the CUV, which was supposed to make the mission tolerable, would go right in the line of fire of the cap ships and die every instead u have to lure the cap ships towards the ESC, and then distract them and hope the ESC could kill them all without dying mission 5: by far the most annoying battle in the start out looking in good shape, 18 torpedoes and 3 wingman with them...then you realize that despite you telling them to attack, they launch their torpedos and *MISS* THE PLT...then the fighters launch...oh boy was the briefing officer wrong...old starfighters my arse...2 waves of 6 X-Wings and same for Z-95s...all with missiles...and to top it off....2 waves of 3 ATRS THAT, DEPSITE THEIR ORDERS, SEEM TO TARGET THE PLAYER CRAFT....then you wonder why you even disabled the platform to begin with, since you could have just destroyed it. mission 6: hoping for a saving mission...and didn't get one...the CRS bug was highly annoying, since any tactical moves to eliminate cap ships and their fighters at the start causes the mission to become incompletable because T-Wing Green refuses to launch. overall...just add the spelling mistakes and minor bugs in, and you've got a complete mess