Reviewer Rating Profile

Colonel Rau Aznable (#844)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3
Number of Battle Reviews: 221
Reviewed: 2003-06-29
Reviewed: 2003-06-29
Even when XWA becomes old, this mission will still be cool and remembered. I don't give it a 5 because there should be more fights with the Trithan Interceptor, and because of mission 5, which has plenty of flaws in my opinion. But except for these two factors, this mission is excellent!
Reviewed: 2003-06-19
Very good mission. Can be a real challenge if you're playing in Hard. Lots of targets. You might learn a thing or two about the X-Wing in the process.
Reviewed: 2003-06-08
Reviewed: 2003-06-08
A few missions were boring, some others were actually nice. I give it a 2 instead of a 3 because it seems this was supposed to be a XWA-IW, but the creator added some missions with Imperial fighters afterwards to make it a XWA-CAB, and because of the large amounts of flaws it has. For example, in the last mission it doesn't matter whether the Landing craft get destroyed, your main problem is the Sovereign not getting destroyed by another ship ramming it!
Reviewed: 2003-06-07
Fortunately, I got a system good enough to handle the large quantity of ships. Not a very good battle, it has lots of flaws. And about the last mission, I think most ppl played "Homeworld: Cataclysm"!
Reviewed: 2003-05-19
Reviewed: 2003-05-19
A very good battle. You fly in a cap ship as in other missions around, but you're not in the comfort of an ISD like most missions I've seen. You can get killed here. It can be a really annoying mission if you're making a run for the high-score.
Reviewed: 2003-04-30
Reviewed: 2003-04-30
An old-school mission featuring Tie Fighters and Interceptors. But it isn't hard really. Dunno why the cruisers are called Freespace and Starlancer. Is that a way of saying that XWA is better than those space-sims? Hahahaha!
Reviewed: 2003-04-25
Reviewed: 2003-04-25
This mission is unnecessarily hard, definitely not for rookies. The 3 minutes wait at the beginning makes it even more annoying, plus the friendly frigate shoots the Immortal sometimes.
Reviewed: 2003-04-25
Reviewed: 2003-04-25
A cool and original mission, with a very clever plan. This mission is a must for all the Corellian Transport pilots out there.
Reviewed: 2003-04-23
Reviewed: 2003-04-23
I really loved this mission! It's a bit impossible on hard, but it's really fun on medium. Always a pleasure to fly the Tie Praetor. The idea of using the E-pods for capture operations is also original.
Reviewed: 2003-04-23
Reviewed: 2003-04-23
It's fun, but easy.
Reviewed: 2003-03-05
Reviewed: 2003-03-05
You gotta love flying the ATR, it's a lot more maneuvarable than it seems. The use of booster packs is also original, it's nice to see new things on battles. This is original for that, but there are two missions that are really bad. In the second you got to intercept Booster Packs on Kamikaze runs against a disabled frigate while dodging missile firing T-Wings (need I say more? It's grunt work!). The mission where you have to capture the repair yard is too hard in my opinion.
Reviewed: 2003-01-29
Reviewed: 2003-01-29
Typical Roguewing battle, with typical Roguewing missions, typical Roguewing fighter opposition plan, and usual Ghost Squadron protagonism. But fighting T/Ds in a T/A was really cool in mission 5. I would give it a 5, if it wasn't for the already mentioned story flaws and the fact that we got a Dreadnaught with stormtroopers(!) boarding a Comm Station, it's not the proper ship for that.
Reviewed: 2003-01-28
Reviewed: 2003-01-28
It's fun. But flying an X-Wing against Rebel fighters is a bit lame.
Reviewed: 2003-01-02
Reviewed: 2003-01-02
I was just playing mission 5 of this one. There's not much more I can add to what it has already been said. The bug on mission 1 should be stated on the briefing INSTEAD of the failed mission tips. English in this one is the worst I've seen. And frankly... telling us to fly a R-41 is "ok", but telling us to fly it with a wingman that we have to protect from a T/A that we have to make it follow us to another area, and that it can be destroyed by our friendlies sometimes is just lunatic.
Reviewed: 2003-01-02
Reviewed: 2003-01-02
Brilliant, simple, and funny. What more could you want?
Reviewed: 2002-12-21
Reviewed: 2002-12-21
Great mission. The plot was nice. The voice actors were very good except for that "Gunman" dude. The final part with the gods is like a test to see if a pilot can follow orders... or something like that.
Reviewed: 2002-12-18
Reviewed: 2002-12-18
What Mark Schueler said :P
Reviewed: 2002-11-28
Reviewed: 2002-11-28
A bit boring, but still an entertaining mission with lots of action. It's just boring because the opponents are too easy. Every pilot who just came out of training should fly this one :)
Reviewed: 2002-11-28
Reviewed: 2002-11-28
Just... fly to get it on your record, ok? Don't think about anything else.
Reviewed: 2002-11-28
Definitely not an entertaining mission. You'll yawn a lot. Mission creators should try making cap ship missions with Gunships and Modified Corvettes.
Reviewed: 2002-06-06
Reviewed: 2002-06-06
Very impressive, the most original battle ever! And the Astatine class Tug is a great dogfighter. You can go head-om with any rebel fighter, because you're so small that no fighter can hit you! I hope someday someone makes a sequel... maybe with special tugs the size of Capital ships or something :P

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