Reviewer Rating Profile

Colonel Rau Aznable (#844)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3
Number of Battle Reviews: 221
Reviewed: 2004-08-17
Reviewed: 2004-08-17
So this is where it all began? The habit of declaring love to someone by making a mission? Well, I think I'm going to declare some love too... to this mission! It's excellent. Short but challenging. Before you win the mission, try losing just to see the messages and debriefing.
Reviewed: 2004-08-17
Reviewed: 2004-08-17
It's a nice mission. A bit easy on some points, but it's somewhat entertaining and gives a good atmosphere.
Reviewed: 2004-08-16
Reviewed: 2004-08-16
I didn't like the XWA version of this mission, but it seems the mission works better on XvT. Pretty chalenging in Hard and it provides some interesting dogfights. A must for all XvT players.
Reviewed: 2004-08-16
Reviewed: 2004-08-16
A boring mission where your only wish is for it to end fast. I don't give it a 0 because of the variety of flight groups and spacecraft to choose from, and because Ender bothered to make sure that flights engage other flights with the same spacecraft in order to make it more WoW like. The only thing I enjoyed was flying the Z95 when everybody else was flying something better and I was just there trying to help out. I understand the desire to recreate a real event on a battle, but please use better events when you think about it.
Reviewed: 2004-08-16
Reviewed: 2004-08-16
Four missions where you basically do the same over and over again. The only difference between the missions is the way they end, sometimes there are Gunboats around to take out something bigger, and you have to pray they don't get destroyed. Too easy.
Reviewed: 2004-08-06
An excellent battle. One of those that make you like XvT. I rarely laugh during a battle, but this one can do it. You got lots of different challenges in this one, and you'll also get to put up with the unique crazyness of the GWSOoM. I just don't give it a 5 because of the last mission (what the hell were you thinking, Choosh?). Everyone will enjoy this battle, including all the GWSOoM haters out there.
Reviewed: 2004-07-31
Reviewed: 2004-07-31
A very good battle, with some humour all over it! The thing I liked the most were the briefings.
Reviewed: 2004-07-29
Reviewed: 2004-07-29
Nothing too fancy. Except for the mission involving GA Ronin, all of them are easy. Still, the plotline is just somewhat interesting enough to keep you going. There's also a good variety of enemy craft for you to face.
Reviewed: 2004-07-27
I didn't like this mission much. The storyline was pretty predictable. The fights may push your limits, since you have to fight enemy fighters and prevent the Y-Wings from taking down your VSD. I enjoyed the challenge of that, but it soon becomes repetitive. The last mission is a complete waste of time, fighting pirates and protecting your VSD and then taking out several disabled platforms (your wingmen may crash while they're strafing them), and consider that a Tie Advanced can only carry 8 heavy rockets...
Reviewed: 2004-07-25
Reviewed: 2004-07-25
Probably the best battle ever made! When I saw the number of missions I thought "Oh, this will take me almost a week to finish", but it took me only an hour, because I couldn't stop playing! And study this mission, all you mission creators! There's a lot of stuff here that can be used on more serious stuff. PAR!
Reviewed: 2004-07-25
Reviewed: 2004-07-25
Pretty good mission. Simple, yet somewhat challenging and entertaining.
Reviewed: 2004-07-22
Reviewed: 2004-07-22
The briefings are poor (briefing maps with only one page), and you have some capital ships acting like fighters on some of them (ISD chasing fighters, etc...). The last mission is the only one that offers any challenge.
Reviewed: 2003-12-24
Reviewed: 2003-12-24
It seems that the mission creator wanted to make this mission different from the others, put new stuff in it. He did. But I didn't like it.
Reviewed: 2003-12-14
Reviewed: 2003-12-14
Generally, a poor mission.
Reviewed: 2003-12-12
Reviewed: 2003-12-12
A sad addition to the Wing XV saga. The historical accuracy of the mission is appreciated (Hornet squadron really had those poor fighters), but there's no reason for those fighters to be able to only carry normal missiles. Aside from that, the mission is just the usual fight against enemy fighters and cap ships, and has nothing impressive.
Reviewed: 2003-12-05
Reviewed: 2003-12-05
This mission was quite entertaining. It's pretty open to everyone.
Reviewed: 2003-10-18
I really liked this mission. It's humour based and still provides some decent combat. I recommend it to everyone.
Reviewed: 2003-10-18
Reviewed: 2003-10-18
Standard mission. Get in, destroy fighters, destroy ships and platforms, end of story.
Reviewed: 2003-10-18
Reviewed: 2003-10-18
A challenging mission. Fun is guaranteed.
Reviewed: 2003-07-16
Very good battle, with some missions that push your skill. Only mission I didn't like was the first one.
Reviewed: 2003-07-16
Reviewed: 2003-07-16
Fast, simple, easy mission. Fun to fly.
Reviewed: 2003-07-14
Reviewed: 2003-07-14
A good mission, with some surprises. The microjump is a nice touch ;)
Reviewed: 2003-07-04
This mission is very funny, but I give it a 4 instead of a 5 because it's a bit too hard.
Reviewed: 2003-07-04
Reviewed: 2003-07-04
Quick mission, entertaining, good for fast comps. It was harder back when I tested it.
Reviewed: 2003-07-04
Reviewed: 2003-07-04
A simple mission. Good for comps.

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