Reviewer Rating Profile

Colonel Rau Aznable (#844)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3
Number of Battle Reviews: 221
Reviewed: 2004-12-19
A superb mission. Very hard, very challenging. The only bad thing about it is that your colleagues all go for the laser batteries first instead of the fighters. It would be better to have each flight group with its own target flight.
Reviewed: 2004-12-16
Reviewed: 2004-12-16
A pretty challenging mission. Very good to test your skills. Aside from that, it's nothing fancy, but I give it a 4 instead of a 3 just for the difficulty.
Reviewed: 2004-12-14
Reviewed: 2004-12-14
Standard 2vs1 ship combat, with fighters in the middle. Nothing amazing. No flaws.
Reviewed: 2004-12-07
Another enjoyable and humorous mission from Frodo. It can be completed in less than an hour and is great for relaxing. The only flaw that prevents me from giving a 5 is the last mission, which has a wait at the beginning that just makes it unnecessarily easy.
Reviewed: 2004-11-23
Reviewed: 2004-11-23
Too simple. You just destroy the fighters, and then you just stand still next to frigate which doesn't fight back and shoot it till it blows. What's really lame is the 5 minute wait at the beginning, which I thought it wasn't allowed by TAC.
Reviewed: 2004-09-26
Reviewed: 2004-09-26
Excellent mission, but its only difficulty came from the number of rockets you could carry. Everything else was too easy.
Reviewed: 2004-09-17
Reviewed: 2004-09-17
What a great mission. You have to take out an interdictor as soon as possible (well, before your ISD gets destroyed, anyway), and the Interdictor has plenty of advanced missiles to defend itself. Fighting rebel Tie Defenders is also interesting. I don't give it a 5 because the ISD Vanguard doesn't seem to defend itself, it just stands there waiting.
Reviewed: 2004-09-13
Reviewed: 2004-09-13
A repetitive battle, which can be quite difficult in hard. Fighting pirate heavy fighters all the time eventually gets annoying. The last mission is particularly boring, given the long wait.
Reviewed: 2004-09-10
It's a fine action-packed non-stop mission, but I think the creator likes missile-launching mines a bit too much.
Reviewed: 2004-09-03
Reviewed: 2004-09-03
This mission shouldn't even be here! It's too fast, you can even complete it by doing nothing. You just get there and see 3 transports get powned. If a medal was given for creating a mission back in those days, then making something like this is the lazy way to get it.
Reviewed: 2004-09-03
Reviewed: 2004-09-03
Boring and easy. The Rebels don't even seem to try to attack the shuttle.
Reviewed: 2004-09-03
Reviewed: 2004-09-03
Too easy.
Reviewed: 2004-09-03
Reviewed: 2004-09-03
It's hard to describe how boring this mission is. You fight endless waves of fighters, while witnessing two incredibly stupid things: Missile Boats attacking a cruiser without any warheads; and an ISD that, not only doesn't fire on enemy, but also can't move because the cruiser is blocking its way like a wall!
Reviewed: 2004-08-29
Reviewed: 2004-08-29
This one is quite hard, and the last mission is probably too hard. It's an excellent challenge, especially if you've become too much used to shields.
Reviewed: 2004-08-27
Reviewed: 2004-08-27
A somewhat poor mission. Since when do 3 laser batteries make a base? With the Tie Bombers just coming in, there really isn't much difficulty in it.
Reviewed: 2004-08-27
Reviewed: 2004-08-27
A very good mission. Not extraordinary, but it puts you in the middle of a real space battle where you are constantly dogfighting different types of rebel starfighters.
Reviewed: 2004-08-27
Reviewed: 2004-08-27
What a mission. You can't just do the usual "press R, aim and shoot" thing, or the "just defend mission critical craft" one here. You got to use your wingmen appropriately, you got to take some risks. This mission was a real challenge, one I won't forget.
Reviewed: 2004-08-27
Reviewed: 2004-08-27
Not a bad battle. First time I fought against missile boats on TIE, and I wasn't disappointed. I don't give it a 5 because this mission could be a lot better if there was a larger engagement between all those starships. But no, we're only supposed to capture the bad guys and inspect the starships.
Reviewed: 2004-08-27
Reviewed: 2004-08-27
Just like George Lucas made the special edition of the original Star Wars movies, Ronin upgraded the first mission of Tie Fighter with better ships and weapons. There's a bigger challenge, since you'll be dogfighting Tie Defenders such as yourself. Nevertheless, completing it is just as easy as in the original mission.
Reviewed: 2004-08-27
Reviewed: 2004-08-27
A nice and respectable mission. Completely bug free, and all TIE pilots should fly it.
Reviewed: 2004-08-24
Reviewed: 2004-08-24
Once again, Frodo proves that he can make you push your XvT skills to the limit. And he does that with a humorous storyline as well. I just don't give it a 5 because of a few bugs and some long waits in the battle.
Reviewed: 2004-08-20
Reviewed: 2004-08-20
A true classic! Watching the frigates fly really close to the Golan platforms and shooting each others to death while you're dogfighting the fighters targeting you, and trying to kill the Supa Fighters attacking the Frigates gives the sensation of a good old fashion space battle. The beginning of the mission is also worth your time.
Reviewed: 2004-08-20
Reviewed: 2004-08-20
This mission is elaborate, but it has several problems. Why do my flight mates just fly around only attacking enemy fighters when they seem them? They don't seem to help anywhere else. And why did I had to disable a friendly ETR that was shooting at the platform that I was supposed to capture? The SPCs acting like fighters makes it even worse. Also, The dialogs and faction colours make the mission more confusing than it should be.
Reviewed: 2004-08-19
Reviewed: 2004-08-19
It's a standard mission. "Take fighters, then convoy" style, but still provides some challenge. It could be a bit better though.
Reviewed: 2004-08-17
Reviewed: 2004-08-17
A small, simple, yet well structured and fun mission. It has some humour in it too. A must for all XWA pilots.

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