Lieutenant Artanno Lach'Beria (#56977)

Call sign: Evelord
TIE Corps
Code Cylinders Rank Insignia of a TIE Corps Lieutenant Code Cylinders
Code Cylinders Rank Insignia of a TIE Corps Lieutenant Code Cylinders

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FM/LT Artanno Lach'Beria/Typhoon 1-3/Wing X/ISDII Challenge/Battlegroup III

Character Profile

Profile Data
Member status: Active
Group: TIE Corps (Active)
Group join date: 2024-11-22
(2 months ago)
Rank: Lieutenant
(2025-01-06 - 15 days ago)
Positions: Flight Member
Assigned unit: Typhoon Squadron
Time zone: (UTC+01:00) Europe/Paris
Discord username: You must be logged in to view member Discord usernames.
Contact information: You must be logged in to view member contact information.
Quote: None
Position insignia of Flight Member
Flight Member
Top Awards

Flight Certification

Combat and Flight Ratings

Flight Certified - Baseline
Points: 0

Singleplayer Performance
FCHG Rank: Unranked (0 points)
Total missions completed: 0
Battles completed: 0
Free missions completed: 0
Current battle high scores: 0
Current mission high scores: 0
Battles created: 0
Free missions created: 0
Multiplayer Performance
Combat Rating (MP PvP): Unranked (0 points)
Combat Rating (MP PvE): Unranked (0 points)

Combat Record

This pilot has not participated in any combat engagements.

Historic Record

Assignment History
Date Time held Position (ID Line)
2025-01-06 15d FM/LT Artanno Lach'Beria/Typhoon 1-3/Wing X/ISDII Challenge/Battlegroup III
2024-12-01 1m,5d FM/SL Artanno Lach'Beria/Typhoon 1-3/Wing X/ISDII Challenge/Battlegroup III
2024-11-22 9d TRN/CT Artanno Lach'Beria/IWATS
Award History
Date Information

Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

In gratitude for maintaining high levels of communication in the month of December 2024.

Recommended by: CPT Jagged Fell III

Imperial Navy Personnel Record

Current title: Lieutenant Artanno Lach'Beria
Current ID line: FM/LT Artanno Lach'Beria/Typhoon 1-3/Wing X/ISDII Challenge/Battlegroup III
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Date of birth: 20 BBY
Place of birth: Naboo City of Moenia
Marital status: Single
Family information: Only child of former sculptor for Moenia administration
Significant events of childhood: The first time I entered a cockpit was with the Naboo Defense Wing, before it was scrambled and replace by the Empire Galactic Navy. On Naboo I had my degree in mechanics and design by working on the N-1 Naboo fighter.
Significant events of adulthood: Degree of flight and mechanical design at the Empire Academy of Carida.
Alignment and attitude: My attitude was a bit harsh on the way the Empire rules over conquered worlds. But after seeing first hand how the terrorists called rebels use to blow ships and stations to gain politique power, my view of the galactic civil war conflist shift to a more neutral tone. We are at war and so war it is. I will fight to protect my friends and my beloved Naboo and all of them are on the Empire side, so here I am.
Previous occupations: I was always drawing ships and engine before my degree. And after also. That may come from my parents beeing artists.
Hobbies Nabooien Rugby and old Theed historical sword fight, also computer drawing and some Corellia Wargame miniature.
Tragedies in life: I tend to cut ties with my family and most of my friends in Naboo because of recent political opinions that put us apart. They seems to hate the fact that our Emperor was born on Naboo. And most of them do not agree with how the Empire runs thing. But they have not seen floating bodies of civilians, freezed by the vacuum of space, beeing thrown out into the vast empty dark because a so called rebel thought that was a good way to send a political message. Althrough we do not talk much, I still keep a warm place for them in my heart. I just hope that at the end of this civil war, they will keep a place for me.
Phobias and allergies: Spiders. If Something has 8 legs ... kill it with fire !
Views on the Empire and the Emperor's Hammer: On the Empire it is as I stated above. First my view was a bit harsh on the way things are done. But war is war and by fighting with the Empire I have the most chance of securing a bright future for my friends and family.
Reason for enlisting in the Emperor's Hammer: I heard you guys are the best among the Empire ?
Other comments: I have not much spare time, but I will try to use it to be a good member of the Emperor's Hammer.
For the Empire.
Last updated: 2025-01-05

Activity History

Activity Participation
Timed tests completed: 3
Patch reviews: 0
Includes activity for all of the member's characters.
Activity Generated
Timed tests created: 0
Officer reports: 0
News posts: 0
Includes activity for all of the member's characters.
Activity Tracking Record
Date Activity
2025-01-13 Submitted answers for timed test: Trivia for the Challenged 2025 - Season 1 - Week 3
2025-01-06 New promotion: Lieutenant (LT)
2025-01-05 Course passed: Close Combat Course [CC] - 90%
2025-01-05 Updated Imperial Navy Personnel Record (INPR)
2025-01-03 Medal awarded: Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster (MoC-boc)
2024-12-16 Submitted answers for timed test: Trivia For The Challenged Week 20
2024-12-09 Submitted answers for timed test: Trivia For The Challenged Week 19
2024-11-22 Joined the Emperor's Hammer TIE Corps as Artanno Lach'Beria

Showing all 8 records


Fiction Submissions (0)
No fiction submitted.
Graphics Submissions (0)
No graphics submitted.

Awards Received in Service to the Empire

Highest Award:

Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

The Medal of Communication is awarded by the Communications Officer to members who display constant communication efforts like participating on mailing lists, posting on the Emperor's Hammer Message Boards, maintaining a high level presence on IRC channels and other ways. The basic Medal of Communication has the Bronze Oak Cluster addition, but it can be upgraded with Silver, Gold, Platinum and Diamond Oak Clusters.

Merit Awards




Campaign Medals


TC Competitions

Competition Statistics
Competitions approved: 0
Competitions pending: 0
Competition Awards (0)
Competition Award End Date
There is no competition award history for this member.
This section only list awards tagged to a specific competition when the award was issued. Review the historical record to view any other non-tagged awards.
Competitions Managed (0)
This member has not managed any competitions.

Academics - Training Completed

Qualifications Awarded
Qualification Date
No qualifications completed
Courses Completed
Course Score Date
Close Combat Course 90% 2025-01-05

Games Owned

Emperor's Hammer Official Games
Game Player Name
Other Games
Game Player Name