TIE-F 202: ASF: ISDII Vanguard

Battle Information

Game platform: TIE Fighter
Missions: 1
Release date: 2002-05-25
Last updated: 2003-09-10

HA Ender mBind

Average rating 4.0
Reviews: 1
Bug reports: 0
Times completed: 79
Patches used: None

Battle Reviews

The briefing map is sloppily done, and the story is quite a standard one. It's an ISD, an INT and some imp fighters against a CRS, a CRL and some rebel fighters. So there really is nothing special to this mission. But it's some straightforward space battling with no big logical flaws and/or weird or annoying stuff going on. Didn't see any bugs either. So despite its uninventiveness, it was fun to play and hence gets a 4.

Battle Bug Reports

There are currently no open bug reports for this battle.

High Scores

Mission: 69,343 LC Tempest

Top Ten

(of available records)

1 65,448 LC Rando 2017-12-16
2 57,981 GN Golbez Harvey 2015-10-02
3 52,559 MAJ Mauser 2015-09-27
4 43,926 COL Mike Chistu 2003-05-03
5 40,107 COL Hawkins 2015-09-30
6 38,379 GN Coranel Both 2016-12-07
7 33,512 GN Coranel Both 2015-09-27
8 29,299 CM Kahooli 2003-08-17
9 24,944 COL Gyssler 2018-09-28
10 24,142 LCM Enneal Voscom 2003-04-15

Battle Completion Statistics

This battle has been flown by 70 pilots a total of 75 times.

GN Abel Malik - 2003-01-05

COL Absolut Vodka

LC Ace Hobbes

HA Anahorn Dempsey

GN Andrzej Mezynski

COL Angel

LC Ardeth Mordor - 2002-11-16

CPT Avantar

CM Bizzare - 2002-09-16

LCM Bob-Fett - 2003-01-27

COL Carl Lost

LT Charlie Zhong

COL Chei-Ras - 2002-11-12

GN Coranel Both - 2 times, last on 2016-12-07

LC Curtis

MAJ Daniel Klivian - 2002-11-16

COL DarkC - 2002-09-13

Darth Vader - 2003-02-28

MAJ Deleted Member - 2002-12-29

GN Earnim Branet - 2017-12-10

GN Elwood the Brave - 5 times, last on 2021-04-06

HA Ender mBind

LCM Enneal Voscom - 2003-04-15

HA Frodo March - 2003-05-11

AD Gidda - 2005-01-18

GN Golbez Harvey - 2015-10-02

COL Gyssler - 2018-09-28

COL Hawkins - 2015-09-30

MAJ Hermann

MAJ Hunter - 2002-12-08

CPT Ibram Gaunt - 2004-08-09

MAJ Jaron Kai - 2002-11-16

LT Jimmy

CM Kahooli - 2003-08-17

Tie Fighter Free Mission

Title:		 ASF: ISDII Vanguard
Missions:	 1
Medal:		 Book on Vanguard History
Author:		 FL-SCO/LT Ender mBind/Echo 2-1/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard
Game Platform:	 Tie Fighter

Release Date:    20/feb/2002
Ships:           Gunboat
Difficulty:      Playable.
Filename:        asfvan.zip
File contents:   asfvan.tie, BATTLE1.LFD, Readme.txt
Hardware used:   Celleron 450Mhz, GForce II Ultra, 194Mb
Software used:   Tie Fighter '95, TFW.


Required patches
* none

Installation instructions
1] Double click the .EHM file, the EH Battle Launcher will install the battle
2] Check the Misc folder in your TIE95 one for additional material like patches, sounds etc.
3] Press the TIE Fighter button on the EHBL to start the game
4] Create a new pilot and fly the first battle

This mission is part of an XWA Battle about the History of the Vanguard.

Story Line
ViB Historical Missions: "Classic Conflict"

When the ISD Vanguard was assigned to the battle group of the (then) Vice Admiral Thrawn, their primary
concern at the time were the traitor admirals Harkov and Zaarin But that didn't mean they didn't
see anything of the actual Civil War of that time... the so called "Classic Conflict" between Empire
and the Alliance guerrillas.

This mission is about a simple interdict and destroy operation that got out of hand when the
Interdictor Artemis, assigned to the Vanguard at the time, pulled out of hyperspace more
then the actual Light Calamari Cruiser with Z95 escorts they were aiming for. 
Within moments the pilots of Wing XV were confronted with a sizable force of Rebels and
it was only because the GUNs Thrawn had assigned to them that you can still use
these simulators onboard the Vanguard today.

Try if you can do as well as they did in the day.

You need the Collector's CD or '95 version (or at least all the ships involved there),
as far as i know no other patches are needed.

Other Information

This is the first release of a very quickly made and hardly tested mission. 
Bugs could arrise - please mail me if they do - also if you have hints, death threats,
questions or apraisals.

FL-SCOA/LT Ender mBind/Echo 2-1/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard
GS/SSx3/BSx2/PCx5/ISMx14/MoI/MoT-4rh-12gh/IS-1SR/LoC-PSx97/DFC/CoL/CoB/LoAx2/OV-2E [GALL]