RtF 2024 - Fiction Bonus Round Two

Competition ID #: 7845
Status: Open
Submitted by: AD Phoenix Berkana
Competition dates: 2024-09-15 - 2024-09-28
Time remaining: 1 day
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: TIE Corps

Phoenix glanced up at the map projected over Plifs desk, the ever changing collage of colours was a testament to how the TIE Corps was advancing into what had once been Kilji space, liberating systems as they went. It hadn't all been plain sailing by any stretch though.

Even now the TIE Corps forces were heading into the denser parts of the Rift, where Kilji forces were preparing their defences...


  • The four judges will be the members of the TIE Corps Command Staff
  • Fiction will be limited to one submission per pilot per fortnight with bonus comps providing a prompt each fortnight.
  • Word count minimum (1000) and maximum (4000) will be implemented.
  • No AI derived fiction writing (don't use AI to write a story for you even if you intend to tweak it afterwards).
  • Submit your submission to the Warfare Officer at phoenixberkana@gmail.com

Round One Instructions

During Imperial Storm the TIE Corps battled The Kilji Illumine (a religious empire that sought to spread their religion across the Unknown Regions and the rest of the Galaxy) to a standstill at the Tkon Rift. The Kilji were seeking to advance through the rift and attack the worlds on the far side of it, where the Emperor's Hammer fleet was located. Imperial Storm ended in a strategic victory in that we stopped that from happening, although a tactical stalemate in that the majority of worlds in the Tkon Rift fell to the enemy.

Squadron ReMobilization saw the TIE Corps fall back on the friendly worlds on this side of the Rift, where we effected repairs and regenerated our forces, ready to heed the Fleet Commander's call to move on into the Unknown Regions, once we've taken care of liberating those worlds that fell during Imperial Storm.

Go read the background here : https://wiki.emperorshammer.org/EH_Plotline#The_Battle_of_Tkon_Rift

Based on the prompt above (italics) our forces have engaged the Kilji and are pushing forward through the TKon Rift, your story should be based on this

If you'd like to opt out of having your submission published in Discord, on your profile on the site, a newsletter, or other avenue, you can do that but you'll need to tell us that when you submit it. The default will be that you're submitting it so you're okay with us publishing it.

Competition awards:
  • Fiction bonus comps (each), Iron Stars with Ribbons: Gold, Silver x2, Bronze x3, Copper x4 (top ten)
  • Individual best fiction piece between both bonus comps: Upgraded to IS-PR

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.