"Wing XX - Sabacc Tournament"

Competition ID #: 776
Status: Finished
Submitted by: COL TK-7764
Competition dates: 2003-11-15 - 2003-11-30
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: Wing XX

www.ehnet.org/sabacc/index.php This site is the home to Sabacc, the card game in which Han Solo won the Falcon from Lando. Go to this site and read up on the rules. Then, go and play. Don't use the BHG account name. Make your name "XX Blank" with Blank being your name (TK-7764, Archangel, etc.) Use the Corellian rule set. Play as many hands as you want. Once you have made a good profit cash out by saying no to the "do you want to play again" question. You should then be sent to a screen that gives your total credits earned. Take a screenshot of this screen (hit the printscreen button and then go into paint or word and click paste). The screenshot of your highest earnings should then be sent to TK-7764. The pilot who earned the most credits in a single game will be the winner.

Competition awards:

IS-SR to the winner IS-BR to second place

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.