We are the Spark

Competition ID #: 3380
Status: Finished
Submitted by: CPT Xylo Pethtel
Competition dates: 2022-04-09 - 2022-04-30
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: Inferno Squadron

A Pyre doesn't become an Inferno without the fire and fury to fan its flames. Inferno Squadron is precisely that, a collection of fuel, spirit, and passion, that rises together as family to fire. But what makes those pilot pieces tick? What does fire do when it smolders? Only from the energy within can we get those answers...

Your task Inferno pilots is simple, create a fictional story in the EH universe about what your life is like outside of the wars in these stars. What do you spend your team time doing? What are your hobbies, your fires? Do you see Pyre or perfection? It's all up to you to decide, the story can be any length about anything, anywhere! The only requirements are that is has to be about you, from you, both literally and in universe... all entries must be written from the first person perspective of your pilot! Get into your own mind, and show us all what you're all about!

Submit your finished stories via DM or Email to Xylo Pethtel, stories will then be sent to a panel of judges evaluating not just on literary skill, but passion behind the pilot, the greatest exploration of who you are, and who we are as the Spark, the Squadron that will light the Fire... Best of luck Pilots!

Competition awards:

IS-SR for Winning Entry
IS-BR for Runner up
IS-CR for any valid entry over 1,000 words

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.

Competition Awards Presented
Award Recipient Reason Date
IS-SR COL EvilGrin For Submitting the only valid Entry for the "We are the Spark" Competition, and receiving high marks from all involved judges, Colonel Evil Grin has won himself an Iron Star Silver Wings! 2022-05-15