Gods of War vs. the First Squadron

Competition ID #: 1758
Status: Finished
Submitted by: GN Rancorous
Competition dates: 2007-04-25 - 2007-05-17
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: Alpha squadron,Ares squadron

Flying Highest score in category wins 10pts, second 7pts third 4pts. (we'll forward any BSF's to each other for confirmation) Battles to be used: as aboveAll pilots can enter into all of the sections and fly as many times as they like to get better scores. Graphics Standard rules and maximum 10points per entry. Judged by WC/SOVCOM possibly. Pictures of Alpha, Ares or both in any situation as long as the picture is relevant to the squadrons in some way. I thought we should limit this to 3 scores per pilot with the best 3 scores counting. So if I enter 10 pictures, only the best 3 scores will count towards the total. Fiction, I thought rather than the usual fiction we try a short story, (1-1.5 pages TNR 10pt) about the squadrons themselves or the friendly rivalry of the competition and see what comes out, (again WC/SOVCOM to judge if possible) Scores and other rules as for Graphics, 10points and 3 best 3 entries only score. Run-On, (to be hosted on the Alpha message board) This will focus on a joint operation rather than a battle between the squadrons. With the rivalry of two good teams thrown in for interest. The premise is this Alpha and Ares squadrons have been tasked the recon and elimination of a pirate group operating in Sector X3 Gamma 49 Foxtrot. Each squadron has their standard orders but have to work together to find, inspect and capture/eliminate the threat to EH Freighters in the sector. 1 pt per post Additional Contacts kaisinmirtez@gmail.com

Competition awards:

IS-BW for Highest score in each of the flying miss

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.