Sovereign vs Subjugator competition

Competition ID #: 1706
Status: Finished
Submitted by: COL Mouse Droid
Competition dates: 2007-01-05 - 2007-01-31
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: SSSD Sovereign,ISD Subjugator

This ship vs ship competition pits the SSSD Sovereign vs the ISD Subjugator. A number of events are available: single-player flying (TIE, XVT, BOP, XWA, FW), multi-player flying (IA), fiction writing and graphics creation. For SP activities, 1 point is awarded for every completed mission (for FW 0.5 point/mission). Multiplayer matches earn 10 points/win, 5 points/tie, 5 points/loss. Only matches between members of opposing ships are allowed. Graphics and fiction earn up to 10 points/submission and will be judged by the FO. The ship that accumulates the most points, will be declared victor of this competition. All competition details, scoring rules and results are available on http://subjugator.ehTIE Additional Contacts,,

Competition awards:

Overall: * IS-SR for most active participant (base

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.