Welcome to another edition of The Commodore! We've wrapped up Raise the Flag 2017, so we've got another set of fiction and graphics to present that were created by members all across the TIE Corps.

Of particular note are COL Hawkins' top-placing fiction and graphics submissions, Flight of Courage and his outstanding Raise the Flag 2017 movie poster! Hawkins is truly a triple threat between his writing, his art, and his flying.

I'd also like to draw your attention to GN La'an's portraits of various officers from the Warrior. The senior Theta pilots look particularly dashing, but I look stunning in black. I'm super serious.

Several of the officers that participated in Raise the Flag 2017 were promoted between the end of RtF and the publication of this edition of the newsletter. Congratulations to those officers! They're listed here with the ranks they held during the event.

Since Rise the Flag, there've also been a few high-level command changes. FA Pellaeon is now the TIE Corps Commander and RA Pete Mitchell has become the new Strategic Operations Officer, with a new Warrior Commodore being selected soon. Congratulations on your new positions, gentlemen!

With this being the summer edition, there's plenty of time for a fall edition before the next installment of the Star Wars saga: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi. As a reminder, we have a open discussion Telegram group for the movie. Otherwise, we like to try to keep anything that might be a spoiler out of the mailing lists and all other forums.

There's a lot to enjoy in this edition, so take some time to look through everything and see what's on display!

Admiral Plif