X-Wing in TIE Fighter Project
By VA Hawkins

For those who are not aware, I'm currently engaged in a large, ambitious project to re-write the original X-Wing game in TIE Fighter. However, the twist in my project is that rather than flying as Keyan Farlander, you fly as an Imperial pilot attempting to foil the Rebels and restore order to the galaxy!

The project will turn the original campaign -- three Tours of Duty, each at least 12 missions long -- into a playable campaign for the TIE Corps. In addition, there will be Free Missions based on the simulator missions from X-Wing.

The main campaign is stretched across 6 battles, making this project as big as the original TIE Fighter campaign release! The story weaves between new background and the original X-Wing missions, allowing for each mission to end differently whilst preserving the original timeline. Pilots will find themselves facing not only the threat of the Rebellion, but also questions of loyalty and trust in an unforgiving Empire.

One of the key features of the project is a new audio set. Voice actors have been found and have produced a huge volume of new audio - so each new mission will not begin with a warning about buoy B-18. Each voice actor has submitted a raft of new audio, with every briefing, briefing question and mission radio message fully voiced.

At present, the first two campaigns are undergoing further alpha testing. Despite having already been submitted to the TAC, during the audio review on the project, many new lines of required dialogue were identified. These ranged from simple re-takes to full no rewrites, sometimes requiring alterations to the missions. This means that both campaigns are back in the Alpha stage as I work to make the project as polished as possible!

Tour 3 is currently halfway through, and will feature the greatest divergence from the original game. The lack of a Death Star in the TIE Fighter engine has forced me to get creative, and seek other avenues to explore! I don't want to totally ruin the surprise, but an Imperial hero from the Legends universe will be making an appearance!

If you want to know more, check out the project's MODDB page: http://www.moddb.com/mods/x-wing-in-tie-fighter-project. Or get in touch with VA Hawkins directly at nedius@gmail.com.

Would YOU like to get involved?

How you can help:

  • There may be voice acting roles in some of my later missions - there are certainly roles for various pilots and various ship officers to deliver inflight messages. Volunteer your audio skills!
  • Alpha testing - I need pilots to provide feedback prior to submission to the TAC. Some pilots have already assisted, but could do with more!
  • Beta testing! the TAC is looking for volunteers to man the TAC office, and process the project, and more! Please get in touch with Xavier Sienar for more details.
  • Cutscenes - I want to add new ones... but most of the programs don't work on modern Windows systems! Impulse directed me to some tutorials, but can't get the programs to work... If anyone thinks they can help make even some simple cutscenes, that would be of immense help.
  • Can you build a Death Star? If you have anyway of getting a Death Star model into TIE Fighter, PLEASE let me know!!