By HA Anahorn Dempsey

Every year I try to organize one or two big shipwide competitions. The first of this year was the Hammer's February Frenzy in which the Hammer's squadrons were pitted against each other in a lot of different fields: TIE Fighter missions with different goals each week, Star Conflict PvP and PvE with different goals, a 10-picture round each week and an online game. Participation was not stellar, but those who did participate made it a tight race. In the end, CM Trideo Arkson came out on top followed closely by GN Coranel Both and COL John T. Clark. And with 2 pilots in the top 3, Delta squadron sweeped up the overall win. Now I wish all pilots a few month's rest before Raise the Flag begins.

I end this short report with one of the picture round images: the amount of correct answers for this one was smallest of all - which alphabet/language is this?

High Admiral Dempsey
Commodore, ISD-II Hammer