"Lieutenant Colonel Clark was sitting at his desk in Delta's Quarters aboard the ISD Hammer."
Many of my fictions begin with a similar introduction. Now I am sitting at my computer desk, enjoying a hot cup of mead and trying to enjoy the look out of the window into the gray November sky. The request to write this communiqué had made me wonder about the current course and future possibilities of the TIE Corps and the Emperor's Hammer overall.

As some of you might know, I've been here when we went through dark and desolate times a few years ago, when the outlook into the future was dim at best.
In the past eighteen to twenty-four months the situation has changed considerably, with the introduction of the 'Star Conflict' MOBA game and quite recently the introduction of the Space Combat element of the new Star Wars Battlefront™.
Even though I am mainly a single player pilot I have lauded these decisions as very important. Star Conflict has sent some extraordinary active pilots our way, most of whom enjoy the "Role Playing" Star Wars setting of the TIE Corps and some of whom even took over responsibilities of squadron leaders, looking out for pilots that didn't share their Multi Player passions.
Furthermore, I do believe that the amount of space-combat multiplayer in Battlefront will be closely monitored by the "new management" at Disney. The possibility of a more "in depth" (in the modern sense) space-combat game seems to have some chances if the Battlefront player numbers support such a course. The people over at Disney didn't manage to build one of the biggest entertainment empires on the planet without closely monitoring their operations, and they never shied away from risk if they thought the reward was worth it. So I reckon a Star Wars themed free-to-play (?) MMOBA game sounds like a logical possibility to me. The TIE Corps has been my online home since I actually had a home internet connection, being a place to hang out with friends and enjoying games for a third of my life now.
Even though it is hard to glimpse into the future, I am confident that the Corps can continue to be that for the next third as well. We are at decent numbers, bringing in members from different sources, and - most importantly - did not give up our base identity for it. I feel we are not running the risk of becoming an online games club with a Star Wars theme, but that we are still a Star Wars gaming club. That is a good thing, and not common in the modern age of the internet where 'lip-service' interest groups are sprawling.

In conclusion my message to all readers: Keep on gaming, keep on writing, keep on enjoying the 'show', never be afraid to speak your mind and celebrate whatever winter holiday you prefer.

With kindest regards
LC John T. Clark, DELTA

Editor's Note - Shortly after submitting this piece, LC Clark was promoted to full Colonel!