The Only Way Forward by VA Plif

2015 was a good year for the ISDII Warrior and Wing II, just like 2014 before it. In June, we were victorious in Raise the Flag and retained our position as the TIE Corps Flagship. We were glad to see several old friends rejoin our ranks. A few brand new SLs came on board and got up to speed. Our finest pilots received high honors for their outstanding achievements. And we had a lot of fun along the way!

There were also moments of sadness like the departure of our beloved commodore, HA Frodo March. He was truly an inspiring leader, and I do my best to live up to his legacy. I hear he's enjoying his retirement quite a bit in his customized room aboard the M/FRG Phoenix when he's not off galavanting through the stars. COL Frown still manages to find him wherever he goes, which has been pretty handy in situations where we needed to reach our founding father.

In a few short days, the Star Wars Universe will be expanded once again with the release of The Force Awakens. The sale of Lucasfilm to Disney was only a few years ago, and Disney wasted no time in getting several Star Wars projects into production. The fervor has already brought us a new game to play, Star Wars Battlefront, as well as a slew of mobile games like Star Wars Commander and Star Wars Uprising. We'll have a new Star Wars movie every year, supposedly, between the main arc in the Episodes and side stories like Rogue One.

As we move forward into this new frontier, there will be challenges along the way. Not every piece of the new canon is going to match the history we've been working from. Most notably, the events of TIE Fighter are no longer considered part of the narrative. Technically they never really officially recognized, but we didn't have anything canon stepping on them like we will soon.

Regardless of how that plays out, though, we'll still be the TIE Corps with our unshakeable determination to continue onwards and upwards. We'll find new ways to carve a niche for the Emperor's Hammer and cement our foothold on the galaxy.

After all, the only way forward is Through.

COM/VA Plif/ISDII Warrior