Untitled Story by FA Elwood the Brave

It was just past midnight, a long day with evals and a hell lot of paperwork had barely come to an end. Woody was just going through the latest reports from Rear Admiral Hawkins. The latest activities were successful. But even those good messages made the report a dry lecture, and all those hours of paperwork of the day made Woody fall asleep.


It was a hectic race to the next beacon. Woody in his Nyx flying like a demon, Dempsey in her interceptor flying right next to him. 'Maybe this time we'll be able to get that beacon' Woody wispered while he checked the radar screen for any signs of the oposing team. Nothing to see there yet, but it was still 2000 meters before his board computer would access the beacon and start capturing it.

Then, out of no where it seemed, the first bullets of the enemy's fire hit his fighter's shields making it glow in bright light. Woody tried to avoid the enemy's fire, but his opponent seemed to be quite competent. Woody was unable to shake him. After a short time his shields gave up the fight and a missile finished off the job, making Woody's cockpit turn into a fireball together with the rest of the fighter.


"What the hell..." Woody shot up, appalled, and needed a second to realize where he was. The COO report was lying on his desk. Woody still felt the heat of the exploding ship burning on his skin and the adrenaline rushing through his veins. "That was an awesome dream, until I died." Woody shook his head. "Maybe I should get myself a couple of simulator sessions." Woody checked the time and decided to call it a night. "Tomorrow I will give this report to Pell and get myself some time in my T/D again." Woody stood up. "It's been far too long since it was on its last mission."