TRA presents a War that lasts a Week (BattleStats)

Combat Event ID# 160
Game Platform Multi-platform
Main Contact COL Miles Prower
Event Dates 2021-04-09 (11:00) - 2021-04-16 (11:00)
Description Welcome back to a non-official event that mimicks the insignia event of battlestats XvT community now on Star Wars Squadrons!

All out dogfight event in which you play to obtain the highest club score.

Further rules at

* DFC to the top EH pilot at the top of the scoreboard, if they have a +3 win/loss ratio (_game_ wins); or otherwise an IS-GW
* IS-SW/IS-BW for second two scoring pilots in WoW (based on BSC score)
* IS-CW for pilots who win at least 5 games in WoW