Heavy Weapons Notes

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Section 3: Heavy Support Weapons

A heavy support weapon is just what it sounds like, heavy. Almost always a weapon requiring more than one person to move and operate, the heavy support weapon is a slower moving asset. Most of these are deployed to a detachment or larger unit, as having them try to move with individual fire teams would prove impractical. Unlike most squad support weapons, heavy support weapons almost always have both anti-personnel and anti-vehicle applications, stemming from the immense firepower they generate.

Merr Sonn Mark II Medium Repeating Blaster

Mark II Medium Repeating Blaster

The Merr Sonn Mark II Medium Repeating Blaster Rifle is the standard issue repeating blaster rifle to the Imperial Army in the Inner Rim and the Expansion Region. Like other repeating blasters, it is overshadowed by other light and heavy models. However, the Mark II was designed to be a mounted or positional gun as well as a platoon- or company-level support weapon and considered to be a good compromise. Light and mobile infantry units can utilize the Mark II under the most chaotic battlefield scenarios in the galaxy.

The Mark II is an air-cooled repeating blaster, so after a long period of fire the barrel can come out of alignment with its sight because of the intense heat produced. So, in that sense, the barrel needs to be changed after every 3000 or so blast bolts fired (however this may vary with battlefield situations).

To make the barrel changing process as quick as possible, the Mark II has a side-ejecting barrel that is as easy to remove as pressing a button on the side of the weapon and pulling the barrel out. Once a new barrel is slid in and locked in place, the Mark II is ready for another 3000 blast bolts of fire. Once the ejected barrel has cooled down for a few minutes, it is reinserted into the weapon until the other barrel is cool. Because of this, most squads chose to travel with two auxiliary barrels.

The Mark II is a rather voracious weapon. In theory, 2000 blast bolts per minute (bb/m) can be fired from the weapon. That would make for [approx] 33 blast bolts per second, a very good statistic for any repeating blaster crew. Ammunition for the Mark II can vary from a simple 250-round attachment blast pack to an unlimited round power generator hook-up. Generally, power generators are used whenever possible.

BlasTech E-Web Heavy Repeating Blaster

E-Web Heavy Repeating Blaster

Among the most powerful heavy repeating blasters in the Imperial arsenal, the BlasTech E-Web, or EWHB ('Emplacement Weapon, Heavy Blaster') as it is designated, has proved highly effective against vehicles and infantry units alike. The E-Web has an optimum range of two hundred meters with a maximum range of half a kilometer and offers enough firepower to punch through a snowspeeder's armor plating. Power is fed into the E-Web via a three-meter-long conduit that connects to the base of the BlasTech TR-62 auto-cushion tripod. The E-Web's built-in long-range comlink includes an automatic encryption module for secured communications with other units. The computerized fire control and targeting system includes Starvision and IR (infrared) low-light enhancement modules for use in night combat.

To operate at peak efficiency, the E-Web requires two crewmen: one as a gunner and the other to monitor and adjust the Eksoan Class-4T3 power generator. Like many high-yield generators, the 4T3 is prone to overheating despite its advanced Gk3 Cryocooler cooling unit. The computerized fire control and targeting system includes Starvision and infrared low-light enhancements for use in combat at night.

The only known limitation to using the E-Web is its extended setup time. If the 4T3 generator is not warmed up, it can take up to 15 minutes for the E-Web to be deployed, generator calibrated and targeting system configured. If the generator is pre-charged (which some Imperial units do, although this tends to create power surges), setup can be completed quicker. In this case, the second crewman needs to carefully monitor and adjust the power flow to avoid a generator overload (which is known to cause the generator to explode).

It is possible for one soldier to man the E-Web, but this reduces the weapon's efficiency. Under these circumstances, the gunner must select the power generator's "preset" mode, which significantly reduces the weapon's rate of fire but keeps the generator and the E-Web within safe operating temperatures.

The E-Web was a joint venture by BlasTech and Merr-Sonn Munitions; Merr-Sonn named their version the EWHB-10. Both versions of the weapon were highly distributed throughout the Imperial military as well as less "official" military organizations. Both companies are in the process of developing variants of the weapon.