ISDII Warrior Report # 28 (2014-10-19)

This report was submitted by COM/HA Frodo March/ISDII Warrior

High Admiral Frodo March reporting for the ISDII Warrior on this Saturday the 18th of October 2014.

Commodore's Thoughts


It has been a fantastic week as far as I am concerned. TIE Golf round 1 saw 90% of participation from the pilots who signed up, our MSE awards came in, and trivia participation was through the roof. Well done.

The winners of TIE Golf round 1 were Plif and Flelm who tied. Scores and rankings are available on the TIE Golf website in the competitions section. Round two is in progress, with TIE Free 94 as the mission.

MSE awards will be listed off in the awards section as usual, however, I would like to talk about a particular award. LC Tempest was bestowed the Palpatine Crescent for June activity this week, due to an oversight from myself that lasted almost three months. While this unusual proof of my humanity is humbling, it is also an opportunity for me to mention that Tempest is quite possibly the coolest pilot in the TIE Corps, and by far my favourite.

We were awarded a boat load of MoCs thanks in no small part to our resident COMM Officer, COL La'an. The amount is astronomical, and I will attempt to tackle it in the awards section of this report. If I do not make it, please, remember me fondly.

Without further delays, trivia results:

Pilot Time to Answer Correct Answers Bonus Point
Lanil Jast 0:02:11 5
Gilad Pelleaon 0:03:42 5
Repulsor 0:05:51 5 1
Laan 0:13:38 5 1
Exar Kit 0:19:25 5 1
Yoda 0:00:42 4
Frothy 0:00:49 4
Mark Schueler 0:01:05 4 1
Flelm 0:03:33 4
Yun 0:11:50 4 1
Crix Talra 0:19:58 4 1
Impulse 0:22:16 4
Len Eode 0:01:17 3

Well done Lanil Jast! IS-BR is in the mail!


-TIE Golf Round 2 Starts today! TIE Free 94 is the mission
-MSE medals are In
-Record trivia participation at 13!


BS to CPT Flelm
BS to CM Nolij
BS to MAJ Plif
PC to LC Tempest
PC to CM Drake Starfire
ISM to MAJ Marcus Caine
IS-BW to CM Nolij
IS-BW to MAJ Wraith
IS-BR to LT Len Eode

MoC-doc to GN Gilad Pelleaon
MoC-doc to HA Frodo March
MoC-poc to MAJ Plif
MoC-goc to CPT Flelm
MoC-goc to LC Tempest
MoC-goc to CPT Repulsor
MoC-goc to GN Pickled Yoda
MoC-goc to COL Jarek La'an
MoC-soc to CM Nolij
MoC-soc to COL Mark Schueler
MoC-soc to CM Drake Starfire
MoC-boc to CM Nolij
MoC-boc to COL Jarek La'an
MoC-boc to LC Tempest
MoC-boc to COL Mark Schueler
MoC-boc to MAJ Marcus Caine
MoC-boc to CPT Starkillerny
MoC-boc to HA Frodo March
MoC-boc to GN Pickled Yoda
MoC-boc to CPT Flelm
MoC-boc to CM Drake Starfire
MoC-boc to CPT Repulsor
MoC-boc to GN Gilad Pelleaon
MoC-boc to MAJ Plif
MoC-boc to MAJ Wraith
MoC-boc to CM Keth Aalith

LoCs: Len Eode, Drake Starfire, Flelm, Yun, Nolij

Ship Competitions

TIE Golf 2014: ISD Warrior Invitational:

ISD Warrior Trivia:

Competitions Centre for Fleet and Squadron comps:


39 Strong (even)

From the Bridge of the Warrior

Let's check in with our Wing Commander, Colonel Gilbert H. Frown:

Inline image 1

Q1: Wow! What a week! Did you have anything to do with all those MoCs?

A1: Negative. Rumours that the MoC paperwork was held back by my desk and fed to TIE the Goat are false. He dislikes communications. Tastes like fish.

Q2: TIE Golf is going good isn't it? Lots of participants and low scores?

A2: So I am told. I cannot help but feel it is a disgrace to the empire to conduct such operations. If it were up to me, we would all stay on board and practice our briefing techniques, mess etiquette, and start a petting zoo.

Q3: Did you forgive Flelm for winning the first round?

A3: I have not. He has since reached out to befriend me, but alas, I have moved on. I have a new favourite, and his name will be known in my next report. Don't expect me to give you all the answers up front.

...That's enough for now, Sir...


It is a good time to be a Warrior. Lots of the best TIE Golf scores for the first round were from our ship, and things are finally coming up Wing II, so let's keep it going.

The only way forward is Through,

In service,

COM/HA Frodo March/ISD Warrior
44bh/LoC-CSx8/DFC-Rx1/MoC-2doc-2poc-2goc-2soc-17boc/CoLx3/CoSx7/CoB/LoAx10/OV-13E [CNTR]
[Officer 3rd] {IWATS-FLA-GFX-HIST-IBX-IIC/1-M/1/2-MCBS-MP/1-SGBMC-SM/2/3/4-TACS-TM/1-


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