TCCOM Report # 34 (2013-11-04)

This report was submitted by TCCOM/HA Daniel Bonini/TC-1/ISDII Hammer

TIE Corps Command Report
Weekly Report #34 – Submission date: November 3rd 2013

Welcome to this week’s TCCOM Report,

And what a great week it was. One of the best we’ve had in years! So far, no less than 11 members have rejoined the fleet. This is exactly the kind of response we were expecting from our membership for the advent of the new TIE Corps database. I’ve said it before, but it’s never enough to emphasize our appreciation for the amazing job of COL Styles in the upgrading of Dempsey’s database. It’s amazing to see that the TIE Corps has finally returned to providing a service that fits the needs of the members. Hopefully the active membership will continue to grow, so we can take advantage of the structure that has been (re)created.

All squadrons had fine additions to their rosters: Alpha Squadron had the return of Major Tek Selkirk and GN Kaisin Mirtez; Gamma Squadron was joined by LCM Tyrian and LCM Godo Nurok; Delta Squadron’s additions were CPT Nutrientman, COL BubbaX and LCM Jaorrus Morraus; and Epsilon Squadron saw the return of MAJ Giovanni Palermo, GN Dax Corrin, LC Kodiak Kereban and CM Davis Bandarra (formerly known as Derek Klivian). Welcome back, everyone!

Phase 4 of The Karana Initiative was supposed to be over this weekend. But with all the new arrivals, we have decided to extend it another week, so they can have the chance of taking part in a fleet wide competition. If even one extra pilot file is submitted because of this, I am happy.

Delta Squadron’s CMDR, COL Anahorn Dempsey, has been awarded the highest possible award from the TC Command, the coveted Grand Order of the Emperor. Congratulations, Colonel, keep up the good work!

Colonel BubbaX has been awarded a Palpatine Crescent for creating a new logo for the TIE Corps Admiralty. You can check it out here: It looks great, well done!

With all the returnees, CM Kyle Kroan became very busy with Tempest Tailoring Tool, making uniforms for everyone. We really appreciate it, Kyle! The uploaded uniforms for the week were from LC Kodiak Kereban, COL BubbaX, LCM Godo Nurok.

Zós has also been kind enough to update several member’s profiles: the ones he worked on were from CPT Nutrientman, LC Kodiak Kereban, GN Dax Corrin

Several Order of the Vanguard have been updated this week: LC Kadon Beir (OV-9E), COL Zósite Kónstyte Styles (OV-7E), GN Dax Corrin (OV-16E), LC Kodiak Kereban (OV-12E), COL Stuart (OV-14E), FA Aiden Cantor Karias (OV-14E), LCM Alexandr III Biges (OV-14E), COL Angel (OV-11E), HA Daniel Bonini (OV-14E), COL Daniel Stephens (OV-13E), CM Davis Bandarra (OV-11E), FA Howlader (OV-16E), LC Impulse (OV-9E), LCM Kael Dalor (OV-11E), LCM Meyan Ravenus (OV-8E) and VA Pellaeon (OV-13E). Congrats, you are getting old!

Gamma and Delta Squadrons have already submitted their Monthly Squadron Evaluations for October. Well done, CMDRs! Expect your shinies soon.

A new search engine using e-mail addresses was created by COL Zósite this week, at my request. We sure can all take advantage of it, I know I will.

AD Mell Kerrigan, our current Star Wars Squadrons liaison, mentioned that there would be some SWS testing going on this week, as Version 5 was released.


* 11 members rejoined: Tek, Kaisin, Tyrian, Godo, Nutrientman, BubbaX, Jaorrus, Gio, Dax, Kodes and Davis! Welcome back!

* The Karana Initiative Phase 4 continues till next week!

* Dempsey awarded GOE! Bubba awarded a PC!

* New uniforms all around, courtesy of Kyle!

* Zós updated several profiles!

* OV updates all around!

* MSEs!

* New mail search engine!

* Star Wars Squadrons updates!

T/D Astra Fighter’s Flight Status

- TCCOM’s T/D being refitted…new game installations will be required…I actually got my old laptop back, but have not had the chance to use it yet…and it’s really, really annoying me already…but it’s hard to have the time for it…

TCCOM’s Other Activities

- Processed competitions
- Sent mail to reservists and inactives
- Processed BSFs
- Recommended medals
- Approved medals
- Performed database updates
- Processed many transfers :)
- Usual TCCOM activities

Fleet Wide Competitions

* The Karana Initiative – Phase 4

Competition ID#: 2476
Competition status: approved
Submitted by: TCCOM/HA Daniel Bonini/TC-1/ISDII Hammer

Competition runtime: 10/20/2013 - 11/10/2013 (7 days left)
Units involved: TIE Corps
Competition medals: IS-GW/SW/BW for top 3. BW for HS, SW for 2, etc.
Description: This phase of the Karana Initiative is a TIE battle of 4 missions, the file is attached. This battle is added to the compendium, allowing CMDRs to BSF your submissions, its designation is TIE-TC 245. To ensure full and accurate records, all BSF e-mails should be copied to the SOO and the TCCOM, we don't want to miss anyone!
Top 3 scorers for the battle overall will receive an IS-GW/SW/BW respectively.
At the closing of the comp the pilot holding any of the mission high scores will be awarded an IS-BW, if they hold two this will be an IS-SW, if three or more an IS-GW.
The squadron with greatest participation will be named TCCOM's Escort Squadron until the next Karana flight phase, all pilots within that squadron who flew will receive an additional IS-BW. Participation will be assessed simply on number of pilots, not as any percentage or similar measure, as per Phase 1-3 of the competition.

* Ace of the TIE Corps 2013

Competition ID#: 2445
Competition status: approved
Submitted by: TAC-PROF/HA Anahorn Dempsey/CS-6/VSDII Sinister
CMDR/COL Anahorn Dempsey/Delta/Wing I/ISDII Hammer

Competition date: 03/01/2013 - 12/31/2013 (1 month, 28 days left)
Units involved: Entire TC
Competition medals: IS-GW/SW/BW monthly for the top 3 pilots on the we
Description: Each mission flown earns you a point for the competitions. Whoever scores most points win. Each mission only counts once. The numbers on the KillBoard at the end of the month are the numbers that are tallied, missions not yet processed will count towards the next month.

* MP Ace of the TIE Corps 2013

Competition ID#: 2475
Competition status: Approved
Submitted by: COO-LOA/RA Crsepe/TC-4/VSDII Aggressor

Competition date: 10/14/2013 - 12/31/2013 (1 month, 28 days left)
Units involved: Entire TC
Competition medals: IS-GW/SW/BW monthly for the top 3 pilots
Description: The MP Kill Board will used to keep track of points. Each LoC earns you a point for the competition, and a DFC counts for 5 points. Whoever scores most points win. The numbers on the MP KillBoard at the end of the month are the numbers that are tallied. If there are three participants then IS-GW/SW/BW, if only two IS-SW/BW, etc. XWA, XvT, Star Conflict, and Freelancer-Freeworlds are the authorized platforms for this competition.

Quotes of the Week

1 – HA Daniel Bonini: “I was just about to say Tempest :P”

LC Tempest: “Of course you were.”

Not you, the best squadron ever :)

2 – COL Zósite: “It means I drink now and you pay later, Commander.”

That’s usually how it goes…

3 – HA Frodo March: “I feel Dax should be a general.”

COL BubbaX: “I second Frodo and would also like to add that I feel Frodo should be a Colonel.”

HA Frodo March: “Bad Bubba. Bad.”

Mehehe! I second Bubba!

HA Dempsey: “It’s time to drag Frothy from the Phoenix kicking and screaming”

Seconded too!

4 – HA Frodo March: “This high admiral stays high admiral.”

Bah, come on! HA! won’t run from you forever, have some fun as COL :)

5 – FA Jarek La’an: “You’ve been busy!”



- None this week


- MAJ Tek Selkirk – M/FRG Phoenix to Alpha Squadron
- LCM Tyrian – M/FRG Phoenix to Gamma Squadron
- MAJ Giovanni Palermo – M/FRG Phoenix to Epsilon Squadron
- CPT Nutrientman – M/FRG Phoenix to Delta Squadron
- GN Dax Corrin – M/FRG Phoenix to Epsilon Squadron
- GN Kaisin Mirtez – M/FRG Phoenix to Alpha Squadron
- COL BubbaX – M/FRG Phoenix to Delta Squadron
- LC Kodiak Kereban – M/FRG Phoenix to Epsilon Squadron
- LCM Godo Nurok – M/FRG Phoenix to Gamma Squadron
- LCM Jaorrus Morraus – M/FRG Phoenix to Delta Squadron
- CM Davis Bandarra – M/FRG Phoenix to Epsilon Squadron

Open Command Positions

- Epsilon Squadron Flight 3 Leader


Once again, I’d like to welcome back to the fleet all the returnees. You’ve made everyone in the TIE Corps a lot happier, and we hope many will follow you back to where we all belong.

Have a great week!

Respectfully submitted,

TCCOM/HA Daniel Bonini/TC-1/ISDII Hammer
IC/GOE/GSx2/SSx2/BSx4/PCx20/ISMx21/IS-2PW-26GW-47SW-86BW-2PR-12GR-23SR-46BR/MoI/LoC-CSx6-Rx4/DFC-Rx1/MoC-1doc-2poc-4goc-5soc-29boc/CoLx6/CoB/LoAx2/OV-13E [CNTR] [Officer 4th]

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