Eagle Report # 8 (2021-02-21)

This report was submitted by CMDR/MAJ Talon Jade/Eagle/Wing X/ISDII Challenge

Reporting Officer: Major Talon Jade
Date Submitted: 20 FEB 2021

Fleet and Squadron News

LT Mosey transferred to Reserves.
SL Kalfer Araske was promoted to Lieutenant.
Welcome to both SL Hiyama and SL Critical Hit. Looking forward to flying with you.
Chalquilla Cup continues. We play Sunday at 4pm EST.

MAJ Talon Jade
Played SWS
Awarded 6 LoC
Discord Activity

SL Hiyama
Joined squadron
Discord Activity

LT Cupcake
Flew XWA/XvT
Updated INPR
Awarded 2 LoS
Discord Activity

LCM Graf D’Jinn
Awarded IS-BR
Awarded 10 LoC
Flew Squadrons
Discord Activity

COL Tomax Drachen
Discord Activity
Awarded 2 LoS
Awarded ISM

LT Kalfer Araske
Assigned to Second Flight
Promoted to Lieutenant
Flew Squadrons
Awarded 8 LoC
Discord Activity

SL Critical Hit
Joined Squadron
Flew Squadrons
Awarded 1 LoC

LT Shawn Erso
Discord Activity
LoA due to College activity

LCM Ryan Hawkins
Flews Squadrons
Awarded 1 LoC

COL Horus Blackheart
Flew SWS
Awarded IS-BR
Awarded 2 LoC
Discord Activity


Dempsey’s Weekly Movie Mania https://tc.emperorshammer.org/competitions.php?id=3217
Challenge Patch https://tc.emperorshammer.org/competitions.php?id=3246

Closing Comments

Lost two pilots and gained three over the last two weeks so we have some turnover to adjust to. I know RL has been crazy for a lot of our pilots and we have two on Leave of Absence atm. Keep flying and lets close out this month strong.

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