TCCOM Report # 2 (2010-12-26)

This report was submitted by AD Jedi Eclipse

TIE Corps, TCCOM Report

  • First off, I am not gone just very travel worn! 18 hour drives HURT!
  • RTF is in full swing, Delta is ahead as far as I can see so far. I will be BSF'ing the files tomorrow (For real this time!)
    Details of extra RTF missions will be coming out tomorrow as well.
    Points for RTF will be revised to a level more "fair" across the board. New points table will be emailed tomorrow and the RTF site will be updated as well.
  • Commander spots are open for Alpha and Gamma squadrons. I am still accepting applications for these positions.
    For these spots I am asking for no experience required. You must tell me your availability and what your plans are with the squadron and how you want to build activity. The more you put into your application, the better I will be able to choose you over another!
    If I do not receive any applicants I will be folding these two squadrons either into a single squadron or into the other squadrons with commanders.
    Please send emails to my account (jedieclipse~{at}~gmail~{dot}~com) with the subject "[TC-CMDR] Application for " to ensure that they are not blocked as SPAM.
  • Commanders, please submit your past 3 MSE's to me and any other that my have pending reccomendations. I have already received Delta Squadrons and I have cleard the medal and promotion backlog. If you cannot provide them individually, please send me an abridged verison with the past 3 months covered.
  • IWATS courses are still working and available!
    Courses can be found on the EH Website, Go, Do some! they are worth RTF points!
    Please let me know if you have any issues with any courses.
TCCOM/AD Jedi Eclipse/TC-1/VSDII Crusader [CAVL] [Officer 4th]

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