WO Report # 14 (2009-09-08)

This report was submitted by DEAN-PROF/RA Jedi Eclipse/SSSD Sovereign

Imperial Weapons and Tactics School

Deans report

  • Okay, First off congratulations to all of the winners of Operation Serpents Sortie! Next I want to apologize for this being the first report since the restructure. Let me just say that I have been putting a lot of time into running OSS and helping with the restructure and then life hit me with a bit more work to do elsewhere :P
  • For those of you that are wanting to see the submissions for OSS, I am creating a page to display them so watch the news page!
  • There are new regulations that everyone is to follow. Make sure you read the email or check the news archives for the 'Addendum'
  • I am currently working on updating the IWATS website a little bit more and I will be releasing some more courses this week!
  • When I have released these courses I will be announcing a new competition so keep your eyes open.
  • There are a lot of competitions going on right now check them out!

~::|Training Status|::~

-- Completed --

-- In training --

CT Andre Miller
-IWATS Passed: Incomplete
-Flight Passed: Incomplete
-Close to AWOL

CT Aves Daast
-IWATS Passed: Incomplete
-Flight Passed: Incomplete
-Close to AWOL

CT Kitera Menu
-IWATS Passed: Incomplete
-Flight Passed: Incomplete
-Close to AWOL

CT paul
-IWATS Passed: Incomplete
-Flight Passed: Incomplete
-Close to AWOL

CT Slayer30ca
-IWATS Passed: 86%
-Flight Passed: Incomplete

CT Edwin Hall (New)
-IWATS Passed: Incomplete
-Flight Passed: Incomplete

CT Lina Sheers (New)
-IWATS Passed: Incomplete
-Flight Passed: Incomplete

CT Black Dragoon (New)
-IWATS Passed: Incomplete
-Flight Passed: Incomplete

Too many to flood you with!! Go Here

~::|IWATS course status|::~
Active Courses : 17
In-Active Courses: 12
- Under revision: 6
- In-active : 6

:: General ::

TIE Corps Core [{IWATS}] : Dean Jedi Eclipse

History of the Galactic Civil War [HIST] : Dean Jedi Eclipse

Squadron Management 4 [SM/4] : Dean Jedi Eclipse

Wing Management [WM] : Dean Jedi Eclipse

Weaponry [WPN] : Professor Rancorous

:: Platform Development/Tactics ::

Basic Flight Manuevers [BFM] : Dean Jedi Eclipse

Multiplayer 2 [MP/2] : Professor Zosite Konstyte Styles
[Pending release]

Advanced Multiplayer Tactics [AMP] : Professor Zosite Konstyte Styles
[Pending release]

Mission Creation and Beta Testing Standards [MCBS] : Professor Dempsey

TIE Fighter Mission Creation 3 [TM/3] : Professor Dempsey

TIE Fighter Tactics [TT] : Dean Jedi Eclipse

X-Wing Alliance Mission Design [XAM] : TBA

X-Wing Mission Design [XMD] : TBA

X-Wing vs TIE Fighter Mission Design [XTM] : Dean Jedi Eclipse

X-Wing vs TIE Fighter Tactics [XTT] : Dean Jedi Eclipse

Introduction to X-Wing Alliance [XWAI] : Profesor Kaisin Mirtez

X-Wing Alliance Capital Ships [XWAC] : Professor Kaisin Mirtez

:: Internet Development/Programming ::

Active Server Pages [ASP] : Dean Jedi Eclipse

Computer Basics [CBX] : Professor Dunta Polo
[Pending revision]

mIRC [M/1/2] : Dean Jedi Eclipse

Flash [FLA] : TBA
[Pending revision - Eclipse]

Graphics [GFX] : TBA

Imperial Internet Communications (HTML) [IIC/1/2] : Dean Dean Jedi Eclipse

Internet Basics [IBX] : TBA
[Pending Revision - Aija Alura Judarrl]

Javascript [JS] : TBA
[Pending Revision - Eclipse]

Linux [LIN] : TBA
[Pending Revision - Eclipse]

mIRC Scripting [MS] : TBA

OPTing [OPT] : TBA

[Pending Revision - Eclipse]

Visual Basic Scripting [VBS] : TBA
[Pending Revision - Eclipse]

Wiki Editing [WIKI] : Professor Anahorn Dempsey

XML [XML] : Professor Zosite Konstyte Styles
DEAN-PROF/RA Jedi Eclipse/SSSD Sovereign
SSx2/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx8/IS-1PR-1GR-5SR-1BR/MoI/LoC-CSx6/DFC-Rx1/MoC-1doc-1soc-3boc/CoL/CoB/LoAx3/OV-8E [LANC] {IWATS-

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