WO Report # 10 (2009-07-18)

This report was submitted by DEAN-PROF/RA Jedi Eclipse/SSSD Sovereign

Imperial Weapons and Tactics School

Deans report

As of 7/18/2009 I, RA Jedi Eclipse have been appointed Dean of the Imperial Weapons and Tactics school.

I have already sent emails out to the valid cadets that are in training at this time though I need
contact with Cadet Paul (pin 12821), it seems your email address is bouncing emails.

If there are any trainees that want any help getting through your training please
do not hesitate to contact me and we will see what can be done to get you certified
and moved to a squadron.

As for the IWATs courses, I will not be seeking applicants for Professor positions
of any Existing course until such time as I have been able to go over the resources
available for all of the inactive courses. I do however want to hear from those
with new course ideas.

There are no pending competitions to approve.

~::|IWATS course status|::~
Active Courses : 15
In-Active Courses:
- Under revision: 7
- In-active :

:: General ::

TIE Corps Core [{IWATS}] : Dean Jedi Eclipse

History of the Galactic Civil War [HIST] : Astin

mIRC [M/1/2] : Astin

Squadron Management 4 [SM/4] : Astin

Wing Management [WM] : Astin

Weaponry [WPN] : Professor Rancorous

:: Platform Development/Tactics ::

Basic Flight Manuevers [BFM] : Astin

Multiplayer 2 [MP/2] : Professor Zosite Konstyte Styles

Advanced Multiplayer Tactics [AMP] : Professor Zosite Konstyte Styles

Mission Creation and Beta Testing Standards [MCBS] : Professor Dempsey

TIE Fighter Mission Creation 3 [TM/3] : Professor Dempsey

TIE Fighter Tactics [TT] : Astin

X-Wing Alliance Mission Design [XAM] : TBA

X-Wing Mission Design [XMD] : TBA

X-Wing vs TIE Fighter Mission Design [XTM] : Astin

X-Wing vs TIE Fighter Tactics [XTT] : Astin

Introduction to X-Wing Alliance [XWAI] : Profesor Kaisin Mirtez

X-Wing Alliance Capital Ships [XWAC] : Professor Kaisin Mirtez

:: Internet Development/Programming ::

Active Server Pages [ASP] : TBA
[Re-written, pending system updates ]

Computer Basics [CBX] : Professor Dunta Polo
[Pending revision]

Flash [FLA] : TBA
[Pending revision - Eclipse]

Graphics [GFX] : TBA

Imperial Internet Communications (HTML) [IIC/1/2] : Dean Astin

Internet Basics [IBX] : TBA
[Pending Revision - Aija Alura Judarrl]

Javascript [JS] : TBA
[Pending Revision - Eclipse]

Linux [LIN] : TBA
[Pending Revision - Eclipse]

mIRC Scripting [MS] : TBA

OPTing [OPT] : TBA

[Pending Revision - Eclipse]

Visual Basic Scripting [VBS] : TBA
[Pending Revision - Eclipse]

Wiki Editing [WIKI] : TBA

XML [XML] : Professor Zosite Konstyte Styles
DEAN-PROF/RA Jedi Eclipse/SSSD Sovereign
SS/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx8/IS-1PR-1GR-5SR-1BR/MoI/LoC-CSx6/DFC-Rx1/MoC-1doc-1soc-3boc/CoL/CoB/LoAx3 [LANC] {IWATS-

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