COO Report # 13 (2015-12-26)

This report was submitted by COO-TCT-TCS/RA Hawkins/TC-4/VSDII Aggressor

FROM: COO/RA Hawkins
DATE SUBMITTED: 24th December 2015

Twas the night AFTER Life Day, when all through the ship
Not a crewman was stirring, not even another pilot with a half ton of MP reports for Hawkins to review...
The flightsuits were hung in the lockers with care,
In hopes that some combat duty soon would be theirs.

The pilots were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of HYPE-cans danced in their heads.
And Rear Admiral Hawkins, after a strong night-cap,
Had just settled down for a long evening’s nap.

When out of the comms-net arose such a claxon,
Hawkins sprung from the bed, with barely a hat on.
Away to his console he flew with a dash,
And switched on the view screen, which flicked and flashed.

The room was brightened by the glow of the screen
Hawkins looked to it, to discover what could be seen.
When, what could his wondering eyes not avoid,
But a miniature vessel, and eight tiny nav-droids.

With a mysterious pilot, so unnaturally quick,
He knew in a moment it must be a Sith.
More rapid than Malia his vessel it came,
Hawkins whispered, and questioned, and sought for a name.

"Grand Master Montte? Primarch Elwood, or Durron?
Sith Battlelord Crsepe? Or Sith Warlord Pellaeon?
Why is he here? What does he need?
Has someone done wrong? Who is to bleed?"

As Rebel starfighters, that before the TIE Corps ships fly,
When they meet with our fire, mount to the sky,
So off to the landing bay the vessel it flew,
With its myseterious cargo, and a Sith Lord too.

And then, in a burst, I heard through the comm
The announcement of the arrival, and the pilot there-on.
As Hawkins left his room, and was turning around,
Down the corridor the Sith came with a force-bound.

He was dressed all in black, from his head to his foot,
And looked ready crush all beneath the heel of his boot.
An archane weapon he had flung on his back,
Neatly attached to an efficient jet-pack.

His expression-how it burned! His grimace how fierce!
His steps were like death-knells, his eyes - how they pierce!
His cruel little mouth was drawn up like a scar,
And an old wound on his face could be seen from afar.

The hilt of a lightsaber he held in his grip,
And the glow of it illuminated the inside of the ship.
It had a broad blade of flickering plasma,
That shivered the air, like some terrible miasma!

He looked slender, yet hard, a right evil old sephi,
And Hawkins took pause when he saw him, in spite of himself!
A glare from his eye and an incline of his head,
Soon gave Hawkins to know even he had plenty to dread.

He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
Grabbed a struggling crewman, then turned with a jerk.
And returned to his vessel, off to where, who knows?
And pressing a button, up the access lift he rose!

He sprang to his cock-pit, engines winding up with a whistle,
And away they all flew like a speeding concussion missile.
But I heard him exclaim, ‘ere he flew out of sight,
"Beware of Sith Lords who stalk in the night!"

Submitted by RA Hawkins

LOC screenshots waiting to be processed: 0
LOS screenshots waiting to be processed: 0


LCM Silvius is away this weekend, and I am going away this weekend as well. As such, LoS and LoC submission processing will be slow for a few days - probably until after new year. The season takes it toll on us all! I hope it has been a good one for you all.


HA Dempsey has been supporting the Office of the COO by reworking the 'admin' areas for COO personnel. This hopefully will be developed to give greater flexibility and control to the COO, and leave us not having to bug the good High Admiral every time we need something done. The Office of the COO extend's its thanks to HA Dempsey for this, AND the support in editing the COO Handbook prior to publication!


A Personal request here... PLEASE get some submissions for the new Combat Office Banner! Only two so far (one is mine!). AND the month is nearly up!! This is your last week to submit something, so I would love for there to be 3 or 4 to choose from. Please see the details below!

This Month's Competitions:


COO Monthly Challenge 2015: - whole TC
This Combat Event will be for the coveted DFC. Your goal will be to submit a victory screenshot with the highest number of kills plus half assists (rounded down) you can get in one round of Star Conflict's Domination or Team Battle modes. Processed by the COO and COOA via the normal MP submission process.

As we approach the end of the month, this one is very close! Only a few kills in it and two pilots joint for first place!!

December Standings:
Top 3 ranked pilots...ish:

1st - AD Pellaeon, LCM Silvius
2nd - COL Rau Azanable
3rd - HA Dempsey


MP Ace Of The TIE Corps - whole TC
The Multiplayer Kill Board will used to keep track of points. Each LoC earns you a point for the competition, and a DFC counts for 5 points. Whoever scores most points win. The numbers on the MP KillBoard at the end of the month are the numbers that are tallied. If there are three participants then IS-GW/SW/BW, if only two IS-SW/BW, etc. At the end of the year the top 3 pilots with the most points will receive IS-PW/GW/SW. XWA, XvT, Star Conflict, and Freelancer-Freeworlds are the authorized platforms for this competition.

December Standings:
Top 3 ranked pilots:

1st - MAJ Ulrich Drachen - 209 Points
2nd - LCM Silvius - 197 Points
3rd - AD Pellaeon - 122 Points

MP Co-op Ace Of The TIE Corps - whole TC
The Co-op Kill Board will used to keep track of points. Each LoC earns you a point for the competition. Whoever scores most points win. The numbers on the MP KillBoard at the end of the month are the numbers that are tallied. If there are three participants then IS-GW/SW/BW, if only two IS-SW/BW, etc. At the end of the year the top 3 pilots with the most points will receive IS-PW/GW/SW. XWA, XvT, Star Conflict, and Freelancer-Freeworlds are the authorized platforms for this competition.

December Standings:
Top 3 ranked pilots:

1st - HA Dempsey - 374 Points
2nd - LCM Silvius - 238 Points
3rd - FA Elwood - 174 Points

Star Conflict: PvE Wingman: - whole TC
This competition is to achieve the highest single 'Assists' in any PvE battle. The winner at the end of the month will be the pilot with the highest single Assists achieved. Processed by the COO and COOA via the normal MP submission process.

December Standings:
Top 3 ranked pilots:

1st - AD Pellaeon
2nd - LCM Silvius
3rd - FA Elwood

Battlefront 2015 - Starfighter Kills: - whole TC
Rack up the highest 'Kill' count in a single Battlefront 2015 victorious Starfighter battle.

The competition will be tracked by the COO and COOA via the normal LoC submission process. No additional/emailed submissions are required. If there are three participants then IS-GW/SW/BW, if only two IS-SW/BW, etc.

Another really close one! Only one kill seperating each place!

December Standings:
Top 3 ranked pilots:

1st - LCM Leocardio
2nd - LT Zephon
3rd - MAJ Ulrich Drachen

Combat Center Banner: - whole TC
This competition marks the beginning of the revitalization of the TC's Combat Center. It needs a major update and overhaul! Only two entires so far!! We need more!!! So, to get involved, your challenge is to:

Design a new banner or header image for the Combat Center.

You may submit as many entries as you wish - each successful entry will be entered into the final running.

Entries should be emailed to RA Hawkins at If there are three participants then IS-GR/SR/BR, if only two IS-SR/BR, etc.

TIE Corps on Recon 2015 - whole TC
Hammer's MP Pilot of the Month - Wing I
Sinner's Delight - Sin Squadron
Epsilon MP Ace of the Month - Epsilon Squadron
Thetan Aces - Theta Squadron
Ruler of the Stars (MP & MP Coop) - Kappa Squadron
For Avenger Squadron this year, we will be taking the top 12 pilots from the yearly total section of the MP Kill Board. Should I ever make it to the list, I will be removed and the next one in line will be the 12th member.

FA Elwood the Brave
HA Anahorn Dempsey
CM Doc
AD Pellaeon
LC Iceman
MAJ Ulrich Drachen
VA Plif
CM Hellionexus
CPT Nolij
MAJ Wraith
MAJ Wondra
GN Dunta Polo

The Future of Avenger Squadron

I would like to invite those pilots who are present, past or aspiring members of Avenger Squadron to submit suggestions for developing and improving the squadron. With the hope of new gaming opportunities following the new films, there could well be new opportunities do explore. As mentioned above, please email me if you have any ideas on how to move Avenger forward!
Mail/telegram activity
Processed LoC and LoS (399 in total)
Edited COO Handbook following HA Dempsey's feedback
Continued writing IWATS Course

Let's see who reads this far down...

I have a question for you all. After a conversation with Dempsey, this issue ares:
How do YOU pronounce 'LoC' - the short hand for the Legion of Combat? (Question applies for the LoS as well)

I pronounce it 'el oh see', each letter seperately, as it is an acronym. Dempsey treats it as a word, as in 'lock'. This came out over a brief discussing the use of 'a' or 'an', which IU's English Grammer course could not resolve. I use 'an LoC', as the LoC has a vowel sound at the start (like 'an hour' does), Dempsey used 'a LoC' ( as in 'a lock'). So, which way do you pronounce it?

respectfully submitted

RA Hawkins

COO-TCT-TCS/RA Hawkins/TC-4/VSDII Aggressor
SSx2/BSx2/PCx3/ISMx7/IS-8SW-21BW-2GR-2SR-17BR/MoI/MoT-4rh-4gh/LoC-CSx2-Rx4/LoS-IS-CSx2- Rx2/MoC-1poc-1goc-1soc-8boc/CoLx2/CoS/CoB/OV-16E [LGNR] [Marksman 1st]

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