Kappa Student of the Month

Competition ID #: 2950
Status: Finished
Submitted by: GN Dunta Polo
Competition dates: 2017-09-01 - 2017-12-31
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: Kappa squadron
Description: This competition will combine IWATS scores and Warrior Trivia results. Getting 5 more or correct trivia answers per week is worth 2 points, with a bonus point for being fastest. Between 2-4 correct answers is worth 1 point per week.

Each IWATS course passed is worth 4 points, with a bonus point for achieving 100%.

These scores will be totalled each month for the 'Kappa Student of the Month' title, the winner receiving an IS-BR. The pilot with the highest total score at the end of the year becomes 'Kappa Student of the Year', receiving an IS-SR. The runner-up receives an IS-BR.
Competition awards:

IS-BR for monthly winner; IS-SR for yearly winner; IS-BR for overall runner-up

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.

Competition Awards Presented
Award Recipient Reason Date
IS-SR LC Repulsor Kappa Student of the Month - 2017 overall winner 2018-01-29
IS-BR CPT Rachel Drakon Winner of Kappa Student of the Month, November 2017 2018-01-29
IS-BR LC Repulsor Winner of Kappa Student of the Month, December 2017 2018-01-29
IS-BR CPT Rachel Drakon Kappa Student of the Month - 2017 runner-up 2018-01-29
IS-BR LC Repulsor winner of Kappa Student of the Month, October 2017 2017-11-14
IS-BR CPT Victor O‘Brien Winner of Kappa Student of the Month, September 2017 2017-10-04