Kappa Pilot of the Month/Year

Competition ID #: 2550
Status: Finished
Submitted by: COL Ulrich Drachen
Competition dates: 2014-04-05 - 2014-04-30
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: Kappa
Description: For activities Kappa pilots earn points according to this list. Then one with most points when I write my last WSR in a month earns himself an IS-BR and the title "Gamma pilot of the month". The one with most points when I write my last WSR of the year earns himself the title "Gamma pilot of the Year" and an IS-SR, runner up an IS-BR.
Points to be earned:
- flown mission/mission within a battle from the Battle Centre = 1 point + 1 point per HS
- flown MP match = 1 point per LoC + 1 point per hour played
- other TC sanctioned games played = 1 point/hour
- Gamma trivia = 1 point per right answer
- IWATS/IU course = 1 point per successfully finished course + 1 point for perfect score
- None flying/IWATS comps = 1 point per submission, only 1 point per comp possible
- reporting in to me once a week = 1 point per week reported in
This scoring list might be edited to balance out the competition if any imbalance in the scoring system might occur. See WSR for changes.
Competition awards: 1st place (month) IS/BR
1st IS/SR
2nd IS/BR

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.

Competition Awards Presented
Award Recipient Reason Date
IS-BR HA Plif For Tying for 1st place in the Kappa Pilot of the Month for April 2014 - Competition #2550. 2014-04-30
IS-BR LCM Rhace For Tying for 1st place in the Kappa Pilot of the Month for April 2014 - Competition #2550. 2014-04-30