Delta's Battle of the Flights

Competition ID #: 2520
Status: Finished
Submitted by: HA Anahorn Dempsey
Competition dates: 2014-02-23 - 2014-03-02
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: Delta sqn
Description: To celebrate being once again a full sized squadron, I offer you the Battle of the Flights where Flight is pitted against Flight in 3 fiendish competitions. All entries will earn points for you and for your Flight!
* fly! earn points for your Flight (1 pt per mission, 2 pts per MP mission) - bonus point for TIE free 45, 2 more bonus points for whoever gets the highest score on this one
* nerdness! identify most of the 15 pictures (5-1 pts)
* don't quote me on that - just tell me which movie the quote is from! (5-1 pts)
Note: you'll also get a point for every trivia question you answer correctly in trivia 171.
Competition awards:

IS-BR/IS-BW for the highest personal score per sub-competition, IS-SR for the FL of the winning Flight and IS-BR for each of the FMs in the winning Flight

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.

Competition Awards Presented
Award Recipient Reason Date
IS-BW MAJ Landon Cruise Winner of Delta's Battle of the Flights - Fly! 2014-03-02
IS-SR FA John T. Clark Delta's Battle of the Flights - Flight Leader of the winning Flight 2014-03-02
IS-BR FA John T. Clark Winner of Delta's Battle of the Flights - Nerdness! 2014-03-02
IS-BR MAJ Shado Fenn Winner of Delta's Battle of the Flights - Don't Quote Me On That! 2014-03-02
IS-BR MAJ Shado Fenn Delta's Battle of the Flights - Participating member of the winning Flight 2014-03-02
IS-BR COL BubbaX Delta's Battle of the Flights - Participating member of the winning Flight 2014-03-02
IS-BR LT Neo Roswell Delta's Battle of the Flights - Participating member of the winning Flight 2014-03-02
IS-BR CPT Ras Kronar Delta's Battle of the Flights - Participating member of the winning Flight 2014-03-02